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- Montecassiano Music Festival, 29 June 2024, more details soon;

- Piano Masterclass in September 2024: Registration form with all info and rules

Our next Masterclass

The European Association of Music and Communication (AEMC) is a cultural association devoted primarily to music and communication. It organizes a variety of initiatives, among which its flagship program, the international academic conference on "Music, Communication and Performance". The Director of the didactic, scientific, and artistic activities of the AEMC is, since its inception in 2017, Alberto Nones
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Our activities

The books+CDs which resulted from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition of the AEMC Conference on Music, Communication and Performance 


The AEMC organizes an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on the nexus between the communication of music and musical performance. Over the years, the conference has attracted scholars and artists from all corners of the world: the USA, Canada, the UK, the Philippines, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong, Uruguay, Colombia, Finland, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, etc. The 1st Academic Conference on "Music, Communication and Performance" was held on 23-24/06/2018.  The second edition took place on 29-30 June 2019. The third edition was held online due to the coronavirus pandemic, with wide participation of scholars and musicians also in that format; online was held also the fourth edition, in 2021. For information about the current edition, look here


We have also created an INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER MUSIC COMPETITION. The first edition received applications of ensembles from 12 countries and assigned the 1st prize to Duo Elsa (France), the 2nd prize to Quartet Fenris (France), and 3rd ex-aequo to Duo Pokatov-Grekhova (Russia) and Trio Aperto (Czech Republic). The second edition has received applications from 17 countries and assigned the 1st prize to the Eurasia Quartet (the Netherands), 2nd prize to Duo Emil (Norway), and 3rd prize to the Polish Violin Duo (Poland). The third edition has received applications from 8 countries and assigned 1st prize to the Tanaka-Dziurbiel Piano Duo (Austria), 2nd prize to the Triomoser (Austria) and 3rd prize to the Duo Bujok (Poland). The 4th and last edition has proclaimed winners the Rasa String Quartet (USA), 2nd prize the Dantès Piano Duo (Italy) and 3rd prize the Trio Sablè (Republic of Korea). The competition, reconfigured as an international vocal chamber music competition, is undergoing an update


The AEMC organizes MASTERCLASSES with renowned musicians. The first Masterclass, in Violin with Franco Mezzena, was held from 14-17 December 2017 with a final concert on December 16. The second Masterclass, in Choral Conducting with Aldo Cicconofri, was held on April 7-8, 2018, with a final concert on April 8 at the Church of San Marco in Montecassiano; this Masterclass in Choral Conducting took place again in February 2019. On August 29-31, 2021, an innovative Masterclass in Piano / Musical Interpretation with Alberto Nones reopened the teaching activities after the various lockdowns, with the participation of pianists from Italy and abroad; it was repeated in February 2022, September 2022, September 2023 and January 2024. The next Piano Masterclass will be in May 2024. We are also planning a new Masterclass in Choral Conducting


In the field of communication, we organize TALKS and SEMINARS with philosophers, writers, communicators, public intellectuals, and artists. The first event was a Presentation and Book Signing with author Simona Morani on 23/12/2017. On 10/03/2018 another seminar was held on Music education in Italy after the  reform of the Conservatories, with Senator Luciana Sbarbati, speaker of that law, and Eros Roselli, author of a recent book on this subject. On 24/11/2018 we had Angelo Dolce present his book Manuale wagneriano per la disabilità. Ideologia e metodo per una didattica inclusiva (Zecchini, 2018). On 15/04/2019 songwriter Marta De Lluvia introduced her new album, Grano. On 10/05/2019 we had a performance by poet Morena Oro. We would now relaunch these activities: you can contact us if you wish to present your book or album!


The AEMC has provided assistance in  the organization of festivals such as the "Montecassiano Music Festival", "L'AltRa Stagione" of Porto Recanati, "Da Mane a Sera: Concerti nella Natura sull'Altopiano della Vigolana" and "OMaggio musicale vigolano" in Trentino, and "Musicangelica", concerts at Castelsantangelo sul Nera, in an area of the Marche devastated by the 2016 earthquake. These festivals have been created by the AEMC President, Alberto Nones, and have now been entrusted to younger generations. The AEMC maintains the artistic direction of the Montecassiano Music Festival (MMF)


COMMUNITY SERVICE. In collaboration with UniMacsi of Montecassiano, the Association ha offered for three years a popular Music Appreciation course addressed first of all to the citizens of Montecassiano, laying the foundations. This activity has now translated into the listening guides that precede the concerts of the MMF

The headquarter of the AEMC is located at the noble level of a magnificent palace with frescoed celings in Montecassiano. A wonderful church serves as the AEMC concert hall. 


Montecassiano is listed among "Italys' most beautiful villages", the "bandiere arancioni del Touring" and the "spighe verdi". It offers the peace of a medieval village surrounded by city walls, but is just a few kilometers from the lively town of Macerata, with its university and theaters, and not far from the Conero Riviera, which boasts some of the most pristine beaches of the Adriatic Sea. One can also visit prime religious and cultural centers, such as the Loreto Basilica or poet Giacomo Leopardi's birthplace Palazzo Leopardi in Recanati. The AEMC is an ideal venue where to spend a time of cultural growth and well-being. For the accommodation of our guests, we have set up an hospitality agreement with Villa Quiete, a fantastic boutique hotel located in a villa of Montecassiano where Rossini too sojourned!



Palazzo Ferri, P.zza Cingolani 4, 62010 Montecassiano (MC) - Italia

Consiglio Direttivo: Alberto Nones (Direttore AEMC), Simonetta Bernardi, Laura Pontoni


Logo by arch. Laura Canonico - Radicediuno 

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